as ladies we know how easy it is to get distracted and misplaced within the walls of our own lives. we get caught up, beat up and over whelmed. it happens too often, it makes us break out, freak out and INDULGE! so in honor of us, on this international women's day - i thought i would tackle the nitty gritty, the part of us that we so often struggle with but will learn to LOVE!
* remember to say I, when reading if you recognize any of these *
i am the queen...
of taking on too much
i over book my time with projects, there are to-do lists in pages of my magazines and the second i get an idea - i grab my phone and talk to siri. ( i have more voice notes then i'm actually willing to listen to.) but in my eyes, i like the productive flow of ideas. especially since writing has become so important and is single handedly changing my path one awesome article at a time! now hustling is in my nature, and with that comes the crashed/ burnt out/ lost feeling - and that sadly is just as much MY THING.
someday's when blow comes to blow, you may just wanna throw in the towel
aspirations vs. perspiration
this theory, this little mantra i try to repeat over and over in my head...
just live!
the only way to do it right, is to keep doing it! you'll make rules, changes and see other bumps along the way. but the only way to know your doing it okay, is to the successes. whether that be an extra 30 mins of quiet time in the bathroom after the shower, 10 more mins to snooze in the morning, getting a babysitter for the kids, or getting a drink with your girl is too short to get lost in the little things. even though, we as ladies tend to make all little things big things... ONE thing we should learn to do, is take some time to celebrate ourselves
( in whatever way you see possible/feel necessary) your good vibes will flow through and through... my message when your feeling down and out is to keep ticking - because the only time to really "stop" is when your heart does.
cheers to us, you beautiful everyday gals <3