November 21, 2012

hostess with the mostess, thanksgiving addition.

first and foremost i would like to wish all of my readers a very happy thanksgiving...
may you enjoy time with the ones you hold nearest and dearest <3
remember to always be grateful for the wonderfulness of life :)

here are some quick and easy tips for a special celebration:

make your guests feel great
 assign a table seating - it ensures that everyone knows there is a place for them and that you thought of them in your planning. 

keep it kid friendly
put the fancy china away! nothing makes a parent of a child and a child feel more uncomfortable then breaking something at your table! head out to your local dollar store - and get them festive colored or holiday themed tableware! 
get a board game and some silly and fun toys for them to play with! maybe set up a craft (depending upon their age range) and allow the kids to make turkey hands! 

while making your tablescape something awards are won for, it is always important to remember the HEIGHT issue! never make a centerpiece too tall that your guests cannot talk with peering through it or passing the mashed potatoes.

hope some of these tips help to make your holiday 100% effortless!