June 5, 2013

stop, look, listen

ferris bueller did say it best...

with my birthday passing, natural disasters, personal tragedy and triumph
i have gotten a little sentimental
(i will be posting one month past my birthday blog and the "new world order" on 6/5)
life is going fast and life is a funny little thing

with the sun shining and the wind blowing and the lady bugs in the air 
we are speeding into summer and on to new adventures 

some of us graduates, some of us are starting new jobs, moving to new cities, 
moving on with our lives without certain key people

but we are here in this experience no matter how fast 
time is ticking - we have to go with it

so stop where you are - just for a moment 
stop and take a deep breath and be thankful for what you have 
remember to use this time wisely with the best character and disposition possible.
