just because summer is over...
doesn't mean we stop the quest to stay fit and get lean
fitness isn't only about bikini season, it is a way of life!
lets stay eating clean, lets watch our portions, push ourselves, try new things
and we will certainly keep those good vibes all fall long...
here are a few tips to get you started this week...
1) add - more reps and more minutes to your workout every day
2) sub(tract) - switch out one bad thing for its healthier alternative
ex) peanut butter to almond butter
3) try one new recipe and food before next week
4) just because you may not be able to grill doesn't mean you can't chill
*eat leaner and greener this coming week, fresh is always best!
remember we "meet up" every wednesday!
these are a few quick tips for a healthy and helpful start!
next week: we pump up the volume
are you ready?
are you looking to make the change?
to switch gears and get in the right lane?
it won't always be easy
but with hard work & dedication
you can be the better you