After experiencing a lot of rude and alarming happenings
while out and on social media lately, I had a moment.
I thought I would scream but what good would that do?
So I needed to let it and here I am!
It's worth a read...
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I would hold a door open for a 5 month old, 5 year old, 55 year old
and yes, even a 105 year old.
No matter their race, their gender, their social standing,
their political party, or their religion.
I might still even hold the door for them,
when they refuse to acknowledge that act of simplicity.
The reason I call it simple - is because it took NOTHING for me to do so.
Perhaps just an additional 20 seconds of my time...
Where's my time going, what real rush am I in?
I don't think twice about holding the door for someone
because it's courteous and it is polite.
It's because I have manners. It's because I believe in being kind.
It's because that's how I was raised, and it is how I will raise my children.
That is my preference.
No disrespect to you if you could care less.
But how could we sit here and make such a mess of kindness...
What bothers me so much about the world today (yes among many other things)
is how hard simple gestures seem to be.
If everyone used a little bit of manners
and used 20 seconds of patience and understanding...
Not even every day just every once in a while to start,
I bet it wouldn't hurt you at the end of the day...
It's a small step in any direction.
It's definitely worth taking.