February 19, 2016


For what it's worth...
I've been a believer and a participant in wellness and good vibes
 loooonnnggg before I started bringing it to the blog on Wednesdays.

But last week my #WellnessWednesday things just went very umm,
I had a few tough days, personally AND professionally.
Naturally, I was super down on myself and stressed out about it.

It's that "when it rains it pours" kind of thing however...
I'm in a hurricane!
Yet we can see the shining sun off the horizon
and thank god for the water
because we forgot there had been a draught...
(ever been there, no? just me!?)

I am FULLY aware of it 
I'm aware that it's all fixable and everything works out.

It's just tough for us as ladies to admit
defeat or disappointment
because to be honest sometimes it means that we failed.
With plans and intentions their is life and it happens when you least expect it.

The last thing I expected was that I would need to relax.
Somethings I rarely do.
Something I didn't even realize I needed so badly.

Defeated and humbled and taking a break.
Off to relax, find a quiet spot and coming back with a clear mind! 

February 14, 2016

Sunday (and hearts)

today, is just any other day
 i will happily remind you again
 i got quite candid about it once before 
( read that here )

 this is how i will spend this sunday...

i have some emails to draft, some lists to make
i have a nap i am already ready to take, a new recipe i am ready to try!

today the MR. & i will still go food shopping, 
we will DEF stroll the aisles of target
we will still have normal sunday dinner
and we may go to a movie - ONLY because we're both off tomorrow!

other than that... 
the sexy, the romantic and the extra extras 
won't be any more or less present today then they are EVERY other day of the year.
and that is what we as a couple are cool with - it's just our thing!

so today, i will say this to you
good morning sweethearts & happy sunday 

February 10, 2016

Shake It Up!

i have to admit a shake is my favorite!
whether i use it as a meal replacement, other times as an energy booster, 
a yummy drink just to enjoy that's packed with vitamins and nutrients! 

these are a few of my favorite recipes, they are on rotation in my kitchen 
now they can be on rotation in yours! 

~ Pineapple Dream ~

1 cup of almond milk
1/2 cup of frozen fruit 
3-5 pieces of fresh pineapple (small)

 * optional * 
drizzle of honey or agave / handful of greens

Cacao me Crazy ~

1 cup of almond milk
3 strawberries cut up
3-5 pieces of fresh pineapple (usually small)
* usually measures to about half a cup of fruit 
1 TSP cacao powder
handful of ice 

* both of these are better blended!

~ Chocolate Spice ~

1 cup of almond milk
recommended scoop* chocolate powder 
(whether it be a meal replacement or protein base)
1 TSP cinnamon
1/2 TSP vanilla extract 

* add ice and blend or use shaker cup with ice and strain out // could try with other flavors! 

~ Lean & Green ~

1 cup almond milk
handful (or 2) of spinach (green of choice)
dice up :
1/2 an apple 
3-5 strawberries 

* sometimes i add -- chia seeds or cacao powder. depending upon what's there and what I'm feeling! 

* ALSO... 

you may notice the blender not "moving" or everything looking too thick 
add a splash more of almond milk! 

you'll notice i don't use ice in some of the recipes 
because the frozen fruit covers that!

Bottoms Up Gals!