February 10, 2016

Shake It Up!

i have to admit a shake is my favorite!
whether i use it as a meal replacement, other times as an energy booster, 
a yummy drink just to enjoy that's packed with vitamins and nutrients! 

these are a few of my favorite recipes, they are on rotation in my kitchen 
now they can be on rotation in yours! 

~ Pineapple Dream ~

1 cup of almond milk
1/2 cup of frozen fruit 
3-5 pieces of fresh pineapple (small)

 * optional * 
drizzle of honey or agave / handful of greens

Cacao me Crazy ~

1 cup of almond milk
3 strawberries cut up
3-5 pieces of fresh pineapple (usually small)
* usually measures to about half a cup of fruit 
1 TSP cacao powder
handful of ice 

* both of these are better blended!

~ Chocolate Spice ~

1 cup of almond milk
recommended scoop* chocolate powder 
(whether it be a meal replacement or protein base)
1 TSP cinnamon
1/2 TSP vanilla extract 

* add ice and blend or use shaker cup with ice and strain out // could try with other flavors! 

~ Lean & Green ~

1 cup almond milk
handful (or 2) of spinach (green of choice)
dice up :
1/2 an apple 
3-5 strawberries 

* sometimes i add -- chia seeds or cacao powder. depending upon what's there and what I'm feeling! 

* ALSO... 

you may notice the blender not "moving" or everything looking too thick 
add a splash more of almond milk! 

you'll notice i don't use ice in some of the recipes 
because the frozen fruit covers that!

Bottoms Up Gals!