October 29, 2014

Whatever Wednesdays...

A collection of tips, memos and randomness!

1) After using many different brands of face wipes... (My staples being Target brand and Burts Bees "The ones with the White Tea extract") I've been using baby wipes as makeup remover wipes... I will only be using these until further notice. Amazing!

2) I'm allowing myself one extremely casual - dress down day a week. Yes, I have that luxury but I don't abuse it! Sometimes a compression pant is necessary for an active day! Oh and with that comes a headband and a sweet little side bun! Anyone just need it once and awhile?

3) Much to your curiosity, I have tried the pumpkin spice Oreo... And I HATED it.
Not for me. Not okay to destroy a classic lol. (This is also coming from the girl - who never liked any of the other varieties either) What did you think?

4) I am on a witch hunt for the perfect blanket scarf. However I've purchased 3 other scarves during my journey! (Fashion Friday will have more on this) Anyone find a good one at a decent price?

5) I lost one of my treasured notebooks... I haven't really brought it up because I don't want to get upset. But I asked the Mr. if he had seen it and he hadn't. I think when I knew he didn't have it, I knew it was long gone. Very emotional about this

6) I started a new show. I should clarify... I binge watched a new show. Thankful for on demand, I was able to catch up in time for the next episode. (which is this Thursday evening) I had wanted to watch it when Fall lineups were released but forgot? Odd, but who knows! All I do know is "How to get away with murder" is awkwardly addicting! Anyone else?!

7) I'm lusting over the ENTIRE SJP shoe collection. Can't even believe I'm saying... I might ask Santa for these!

8) HGTV is my drug of choice... And maybe you hadn't heard but now it's offered some of it's hit shows on Netflix! Ahhh