December 30, 2011

take the challenge...

as i sit here and ponder back to the last year of my life, one saying comes to mind... "if god brings you to it, he'll bring you through it"

2011 was an interesting year for me. it shaped me, changed me, made me mad as hell then brought me to some wonderful places, pretty much all at once! but for that i am grateful! (BIG time) 

now here we are, just a day away from another year ending and another beginning. normally, i'd just be excited to gather with family and friends and welcome the new year with good food and great spirits! this year i'm feeling quite different. when you reflect back on all the years past and all those "resolutions" you promised you would keep, so often that ends in disappointment or failure! always has bothered me so much! i know damn well, i have the will power and i could keep on any task i set myself too - but sometimes in the middle of this "unessecarily busy" life we lead, we lose track.

last year, i promised myself that i would stick with my resolution, come hell or high water! then i said, i really had to do it this time and if i made it something so off the charts - i'd have no reason to hate it, be bored with it and quit by february 1st! it was different and it was creative. for those of you who don't know, my resolution last year was to start this blog.... 

nearly 20 articles
65 facebook fans 
& 1 year later - i'd call this a damn good labor of love.
(now these numbers could be higher, and sure i want them to be but beggars can't be choosy!)

so with my mini success here, i got to thinking did i really even make a resolution? i mean ultimately, i had said this was what i would do, and i did it - for a lot longer then i even thought i would. this resolution was way more then that however, it's given me an outlet. 
i've expanded my writing, my outlook and now i'm looking into very awesome business ventures - all because i placed what i remember being, just "a silly bet with myself".

this was now my thing! people love it, ask about it and are excited for the next article i'll post. it's an honor and a privelge because to me it was just "a little something" where i wanted to share my great ideas and bits of information.  i never anticipated it would now be shaping my life in 2012...  (that announcement, you'll have to wait for!)

now back to the real reason we are here... a challenge.

it is my proposal to you is, this new year do not make a resolution with yourself. make a solution. promise that you can do just one thing this year that will change your outlook, make your future brighter. do something so out of the ordinary that it doesn't only shock the people in your life, but yourself. put yourself out there, get a little vulnerable and try something new and different! 

now please remember, this isn't bad, it isn't anything until you try it! it could be so much more then eating 6 more vegetables a day, drinking more water and quitting smoking. those are all great things, beneficial in the long run too, of course. but this year make a solution... give in to the fear of the unknown, so maybe you'll start a cupcake making business, become a tutor, run a marathon or volunteer more!  trying it out, is to believe in yourself! i say, commit to this challenge of a dream or a passion and make it the one major thing you focus on for the next year and if you do it right, YEARS to come! 

i am awfully glad i did & even happier to have shared it with all of you!
thank you for your support, keep spreading the secrets <3