October 1, 2013

these days...

just a fun catch up in happenings

these days i am...

listening to: presently, the today show (it's my fav morning wake up) and after this i will go to target to buy the new JT cd and i will out play that for the next month!

eating: nothing much with my lack of appetite but waiting for soup and lots of soup!

drinking:  tea and honey - i have come down with the most wicked cold. *vanilla lavender chamomile has been my preferred #yum

planning: an anniversary outing for the end of this week for my love and i <3

needing: a marvelous and fab new outfit for said outing on friday ;)

feeling: yucky from this horrible cold but good otherwise... 

wearing: scarves & layers BUT only to take them off midday because its true indian summer

wanting: new booties, preferably black with maybe buckles?!

laughing (at/about): my little sister has been reading a book called "laugh-eteria" and she is telling as many jokes as possible - even texts them to me! i love good innocent sweet laughter from her! warms my heart <3

what have YOU been up too these days?!