how are your resolutions or did you make a solution for yourself! ( i'm hoping whichever you did pick, you are finding great success! ) it's tough to buckle down and commit to something new, but after a few tries it's not NEW - it's NATURAL! that was my main goal when i introduced the idea of solutions, i wanted it to be simply effortless for you to change once and see results forever!
speaking of solutions, i've been working incredibly hard at my own. a couple of blogs ago, i announced i was writing a book. which is the craziest, most awesome thing i've ever said, let alone decided! its a very personal confession to admit but i was so relieved once i got it off my chest! i just began to think that there isn't anything you should hold yourself back from. before its too late in your life, you have to take a leap of faith. otherwise you may become this "woulda, coulda, shoulda" the weight of that alone is something i don't ever want to carry! so i figure while i'm still young and have the ability to do so, i would!
i have received such wonderful feedback from facebook friends, people i've never met, industry pros and my own family & friends. i am truly so honored that my secrets, witty little take on life and all the in between can make a small difference to sooo many. i'm in the process of expanding my audience and trying out some new things and it is very intimidating but we shall try and cross our fingers!
i thought you may enjoy a sneak peak of the introduction to what i've been writing for the book!